Foodbank launches new branding
26th November 2024
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Shoppers at Tesco in Clay Cross will be the first to see the new logo for Clay Cross
Foodbank this weekend when the annual Winter Food Collection takes place.
The launch of the new look – designed following the rebranding of the partner organisation
Trussell – comes as the foodbank gears up to help more and more families facing food
Volunteers at Tesco will be asking shoppers to help put food on the table this Christmas for
North Derbyshire’s most vulnerable local people hit by the increasing cost of living.
Currently the foodbank is short of chocolate or sweets, long life fruit juice, uht milk, tinned
fruit, biscuits, tinned soup, pasta sauce, jam, tinned tomatoes, tinned rice pudding, tinned
meat and fish.
The collection will take place in store on Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 28 th to
30 th from 9pm to 4pm, when volunteers will be happy to accept any donations of food or
Since Clay Cross Foodbank was established 12 years ago, it has fed in excess of 30,000
people including 12,00 children.